Nanit Received $21 M Funding & Brought A New Line Of Infant Wearables

Nanit Received $21 M Funding & Brought A New Line Of Infant Wearables

Having a baby is one of the most significant life moments for parents, and to make this moment cherishing always, baby monitor app plays a vital role. It helps parents to track the progress of their child, and keep families connected and sharing in this precious new journey.

We are indeed so fortunate to live in an era that is backed by the immense technology. And in this run baby wearable technologies are getting increasingly popular. These devices help parents to monitor the infant’s vital signs and early activities at home.

How infant wearables are useful?

For some out there it must be a moot point, as, during the past decade, parents didn’t have detailed data about their babies. And this could lead to a knowledge gap faced by the parents.  Now with the advent of technologies, parents get a stronghold onto the healthcare of their babies, and they can record everything from naps to words mumbled.

Surprisingly, this tracking can begin even before a baby is born. The wearable devices can help parents-to-be to use apps to help them conceive, to keep track of the fleeting minutes a baby sleeps during those first weeks.  And these devices are also useful for the daycare providers, where they can log each toddler’s mood, sleep time, and a number of bathroom trips.

No wonders, technology is evolving at a rapid-fire speed, and the invasion of wearable baby tech products, allows parents to directly collect data from the babies. These devices help in measuring the minute details about the babies, such as the number of words heard, blood oxygen levels, and sunlight exposure.

There are multiple baby monitoring apps and platforms available, but one of the most utilized ones is Nanit. It is that portal that has gained recognition in the bay products markets, as it has launched baby products fused with advanced technology. Let’s find out more about Nanit with this post…

Nanit has grabbed $21 Million funding amid the pandemic

Nanit holds a position in the market as a developer of a machine learning-enhanced baby monitor and is a well-known name in the baby monitoring devices. This very platform has received $21 million funding during COVID-19 when every other business is facing the slumped face.

Who is behind this funding?

As per the reports, this round of funding has come from existing investors; Jerusalem Venture Partners, Upfront Ventures, RRE Ventures, and Rho Capital Partners, And with this funding, company’s total capital has reached to $50 million, and this financing will be used in product development and global expansion.

However, when every other business is facing the brunt of COVID-19, Nanit has received this round of financing, which is a bigger achievement in itself. And the company didn’t have to tap on the outside investors to raise the money, but its popularity among the users was sufficient enough to crack the deal for it.

A quick look at Nanit’s success

Surprisingly, Nanit has sold more than 150,000 cameras and has double the number of its users, who are willing to get the company’s app for remote monitoring of newborns.

The pricing of the sleep monitoring and video device range from $299 $379, and wearable breathing bands, swaddles, and sleeping bags range from $19.99 to $59.99. Nanit has a strong user-base coming from the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.

Nanit offers the app free of cost to the users for the first year and further charges $5 per month to connect three users to the app. The users get the option to upgrade the app for $10 per month for more users or $30 per month for unlimited users.

Why Nanit is sailing higher?

It is the question that is being asked by everyone out there, so the answer to this question lies in the quality laden products offered by the company. Nanit does not suffice its services to provide a live, shareable feed of movements. But the company is constantly working on the lines to improve the number of features, that can even capture when a baby smiles or begins to move around in a crib.

Nanit has brought a line of wearable tech

Nanit has introduced a new line of wearables called Breathing Wear. This tech-piece has the option to track the infant’s breathing motion, and this can be done without putting sensors on the kid’s skin. This wearable reads the pattern printed on the fabric. Indeed, the age-old dilemma of parents to teach their babies to fall asleep has been resolved by Nanit.

The company’s products are really helpful for the parents to relish the joy of parenting. And it is expected that in the near future, Nanit will address a wide range of health and wellness questions for families and physicians.

Future of baby monitor apps

It won’t be wrong to say, such apps bring parents some peace of mind and give them hold onto their child’s well-being, even when they are away. Surprisingly, the baby tech industry has been growing rapidly in recent years. Now, parents are willing to get those tools that can help them track baby’s movements, make child-raising easier, and assist with getting their babies to sleep.

As per the report, the online baby-monitoring industry will continue to grow rapidly, reaching $1.2 billion by 2023.

Baby tracking with wearable technology is appealing, as it provides convenience and allows parents, especially first-timers, peace of mind. In simpler words, when parents are parents are juggling with their too much tight schedule, wearable apps are making it easier to be a helicopter parent.

In a nutshell…

The demand for baby tracking devices has fueled the widespread adoption of wearables technology and other small devices. With such devices, it becomes easier for the parents to keep track of health care, heart rate, and temperature monitoring of their babies. Technology parents every second to keep an eye on their munchkins, even when they are not around, and baby is with a child-care provider.

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