How To Control The App Ux To Improve App Usability


The moment you look for a mobile app the only concern which crosses the mind is the worth of the mobile app…


Because not every mobile app is as worthy as it echoes in the various marketing strategies.

The reason behind the app usability can be scaled to many different segments, but the major reason behind it is the app performance.

The app performance does not concise to one particular point of app loading time but has many other factors which make the difference. I concur with you that it is not an easy task to make a successful mobile app, and except hovering onto the various apps.

Then what makes a difference?

Well, the difference is largely made by app UX…

App UX…are you serious?

On an honest note, yes it is very much possible for the app UX to affect the app usability and it cannot be given a MISS at any point of time.

Tip #1

Let Simplicity grow up

An app is accessed with a simple goal of ease down their requirements through the services offered by the app, but if your app fails to offer the simplicity in the app interface, then you sow obstacles in your app success path.

Don’t include many features and functionalities in your app, except the additional ones.

Tip #2

Design consistency

You love experimenting with your app design to bring the additional dose of creativity, it’s indeed good, but why to infuse your app with different color and theme on every page making every app screen alienated from another.

The most surprising fact suggests that app branding comes only from the branding-oriented design. Thus ensure that your logo, header, app theme, app design, and app interface is complimenting each other and are the inseparable part of the app.

Tip # 3

Fast loading time

An app which consumes more than the expected loading time is often neglected by the users.

Then what is the ideal loading time?

At Techugo, we majorly depend on faster loading time like 4-5 seconds, I know it might sound a little weird to some, but this is how we work, and gain the appreciation from our clients and their end users.

Though the app loading time depends largely on the features, animations, graphics, and images used in the app, try to keep them of minimal size to attain the fast loading time…

These strategies if followed well can help your app to enhance the usability, and also, if you are still wondering where to start your app from, then get in touch with the Techugo team to handle your app project and help your business to increase the business revenue through app solution.

You can explore further about Techugo at and you may also get in touch with the Techugo team at:
Skype: aks141
Skype: ankit.techugo




It is a worldwide fact, that mobile apps are the instant answer to many of our daily requirements, since the app platform is the best way to address those needs without a fail. Mobile apps are everywhere, and their presence can be felt easily on our regular active status on our mobile screens, but not every app has a strong and loyal customer base, do you wonder why?… Yes, you are right, because users do not get what they supposed to get from a mobile app, and as a result dump the mobile apps through uninstalls. It is way too disheartening for a mobile app developer and business owners to know that their beloved mobile app, has received uninstall from a bigger chunk of users.

The reasons for quitting the mobile app in between can be in abundance, but to retain your customers effectively is the biggest challenge faced by any business. To understand that what are the best ways to keep your users loyal to your services, read this ahead and get accomplish the customer loyalty program with your mobile apps….

Why Customer Loyalty Matters

Ummm!!! Quite interesting to ask such question, or maybe very foolish to ask such question, but yet I would love to satiate some of the hungry brains out there and would answer this question. When you build a mobile app for your business, you can draw a good attention, if the mobile app offers what users want, but users can never remain stick to your mobile app, if your mobile app does not offer anything new or upgrade its features, there you may lose a potential customer base in a jiffy. Remember customer loyalty drives the loyal customers buy products and services again and again from a same brand or store. Now the question arises how to maintain the customer loyalty, so below are some major ways to boost your customer loyalty with mobile apps…take a look

  • Incentives Always Work

It sounds a little weird but actually, little-gift-wrapped incentives always work in your favor, integrate some monetization efforts in your customer retention program and let there be a healthy flow of the customer retention chain. You can offer rewards or in-app incentives to increase customer retention ad it really works in the favor of your aim.

  • Deliver What You Promise

It is the next but the most crucial part to sustain your customer base, DELIVER WHAT YOU PROMISE, many mobile apps promise to deliver certain things on upgrading the mobile app, but eventually, turn out to be something else, when it comes to the final delivery, this really irks your customers to the extent that they can give a ditch to your mobile app instantly, so DO NOT play with your customers, only promise that which is in your authority, even if it is not much, but it will create a strong loyal customer base around your mobile app.

  • Let There Be A Communication Bridge

The most I hate in the service, when my grievances are not addressed promptly and I have to reach 5 different angles to reach the real place to solve my query, I think just like me, many are out there, who feel dejected, isolated and cheated when no one hears the cry, and unfortunately this is the most common practice integrated by every mobile app developer, thinking that replying to your user’s query is a time –waste or does not hold much priority, but hey you are absolutely wrong, because the words of acknowledgment given to your user’s problems, act as a healer, and you build a trust wall around you and your users which help them to stick to your services, even if there had been some flaws. So LISTEN to your users and give voice to their concerns.

  • Don’t Be Rigid

I personally prefer a mobile app, which I can customize as per my taste, so it can clearly depict my mood and personality through the mobile app, but sadly not many mobile apps offer this feature to users, where they can customize the mobile apps to get a personalized effect, which gives a robotic experience to users, and they feel their interaction is one way, not two ways, so give your users this liberty so they are able to utilize the mobile app in a customized way, which they prefer.

A mobile app can be a blessing for your business if it is able to retain the right set of customers for your domain for a longer time. So practice above-mentioned strategies in your mobile app development process religiously so you would not lag behind in the successful app development for your business requirements. Not every mobile app development company is capable of integrating these strategies effectively in their app development process, but Techugo has gained popularity as  mobile app development company, since we do not just develop successful mobile apps, but our mobile apps help end-users to be retained and remained glued to the mobile apps for the longer time.

If you have got a mobile app concept, you must get in touch with Techugo-  iPhone app development company to get your mobile app developed by experts. You can get in touch with Techugo at….

Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo



A mobile app’s success hugely depends on the app’s UI and UX, which let the user to keep coming back to the mobile app. A mobile app which is a perfect combination of easy UI, unique functionalities and the impeccable design, cannot be stopped from charting the success ladder. The app design is the eye-candy for the users, which attracts them to explore the app further and let the users interact with your business through the medium of a mobile app. At Techugo, our app designers have the extensive experience in app designing, which can help your users to strike the right chord. Our team of app designers ensures that our client’s end-users always incur a pleasurable experience while interacting with our developed mobile app, and our app designs are captivating enough that it offers a visual appeal to our users.

Techugo has a perfect team of app developers and app designers, which together craft a unique and exceptional mobile app solution for your business requirements.  Our developed mobile apps are a successful fusion of result oriented user experience design and an engaging user Interface. If you are looking to hire app designers for your mobile app requirements, so do not delay any further, and simply get in touch with Techugo – a top mobile app development company, we have an experienced brood of professional and top app designers. To hire app designer, you can get in touch with our team to discuss further your mobile app concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.

You can reach us at:

Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo