Efficient Android App Developer Can Transform Your Business

Android App Developer

We all know that there are several apps prevailing in the market and this has made the competition tougher for the Android app developer. They keep on researching about how to make an app more creative and unique so that it can stand out from the crowd.

If you too are worried that which strategies must be followed to create that sizzling app solution for your business, then you must know that there are some proven strategies, which are practiced by the leading app developers.

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s get this mystery resolved further, with this post…

  • Include less number of features in your app. An app developed with MVP features is likely to gain more popularity since it comes with the basic yet essential features and keeps on improving the app further as per the users’ requirements.
  • Integrate the latest technologies in the development stack of your app, this will help the users to find it engaging and useful.
  • Give a different and unique user-experience to the users. You must ensure that your app is not the replica of your existing website solution. Use swipe, pinch zoom and scroll features in your app that can make engaging and easy navigation.
  • Try to keep the app design as simple as possible, as your users need to be trained to use your app. If they are unable to access their required set of services, then your app is nothing but a disaster.

Except for the mentioned services, something which is further required and needs to be taken care of is the selection of your app development company.

If you are also seeking your app to be designed from the dedicated and professional team of Android app developer then you must not go anywhere and reach out to Techugo. As they have the required expertise and the exposure to make your business flourish with a mobile app.

Importance Of UI/UX In Mobile App Development Process

Importance Of UI UX

The need for mobile apps for businesses is much more than maintaining an online presence. It is a source to generate massive revenues, expanding the customer base, generating new business prospects, reinforcing brand image, etc. Everybody has something to offer and thus, in such a dog-fight, it is extremely necessary for businesses to lure customers in different ways to ensure their retention and loyalty towards their service and brand. When the user is concerned, it is not the technicality of the app that counts. It is the features and the interface of the app that makes the difference to the user, which decides its fate and in turn the fate of the company. Thus, it is important that user engagement should be given top most priority and with this mindset, the UI/UX of the app should be designed so that the user never feels the need to opt for another app. Let’s delve into the basics of UI/UX of mobile apps and how it helps in customer retention.

What is UI? : A User Interface (UI) is the space where a human and a machine interacts with each other. The medium of interaction depends on the environment that constitutes the individual and the machine. When mobile phones and humans interact with each other, the interaction takes place through a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI is not restricted only to the tabs and navigation menu in an app. In fact, the entire functioning of the app depends upon it.

What is UX? : A User Experience (UX), as the name suggests, is the experience a user has while using the app. Their emotions and behavior when using the app account for this. It comprises of pragmatic, worthy, meaningful facets of human – mobile app interaction. A flawless UX guarantees the return and loyalty of a consumer. Developing UX of an app involves a lot of research, analysis of user behavior, a rock solid planning and many other things.

Now that we have a brief idea about what a UI/UX is, let’s discuss some of its vital components below.

  1. Usual Suspects: The most basic requirements to make an app appealing, is the use of understandable or at least familiar symbols, icons, tabs, etc. This makes the user feel at home and familiar with functionalities of those elements. The colour schemes and themes for the app should not repel the user. For instance, a smooth and bright colour scheme makes the user happy. Also, whilst these things are paid attention to, users should also be given the freedom to customize the look of the app according to their will and mood. This makes the user feel special.

  1. Keep The Confusions At Bay: While creating an app, the prime focus should be on the simplicity of the design. An app’s UI should be self-explanatory and just in case your app is overloaded with features, make sure to include a small app tour in the beginning. This makes users familiar with your app and enables them to use its functions and features with ease.
  1. Lags & Jitters Are For Losers: The last thing an app’s UI should do is to bog down the speed of the user’s device. A user would opt for anything but, an app that slows down or freezes his device. To ensure a faster UI, the app should shed excess load. The smaller the size of the app, the faster it is. It should also be duly noted that the app should be swift when working online. An app that takes time load even when the device has access to a fast internet connection, has some defects and needs to be checked and corrected on a priority basis.
  1. Consistency:An app should maintain its consistency when the user navigates from one page to another. The layout should almost replicate itself so that a user doesn’t encounter a major change. It makes the user familiar with new pages of the app and helps him in efficiently navigating through the app and the new functions that he comes across.

Conclusion: UI is what a user first comes across, and his return and loyalty to your app and brand depends entirely upon his experience and interaction with the app. It is important for businesses to preserve and expand their customer base and although, technical aspects are important, the UI/UX of the app can’t be ignored as that is the driving force for customer retention.

About Techugo: We’re a mobile app development company and we develop mobile apps for businesses customized to their needs. We realize that UI/UX forms an essential component of the mobile app development process and hence, our development process especially focuses on the look and feel of the app apart from the technical specification to provide users with an overall satisfying experience.

9 Practical And Easy Steps To Mobile App Marketing Strategies – Techugo

9mobile app.pngWith substantial development in the field of mobile phones, the businesses heavily rely upon the channel to advertise and market their products and services. It’s history when people would log on to their computers, access the website to gather information about your products and make a purchase. Consumers nowadays spend a considerable amount of time on their smartphones and want everything on their fingertips. The giants of the business world have identified this change, and are working in the direction to promote their app through efficient app marketing strategies. Having an app for your business needs, just for the sake of it, wouldn’t suffice for it. The methods have simplified and have become more ergonomic with each passing day, and hence there’s a constant need to keep up with the ever-changing atmosphere. A single mistake can account for huge losses. Metamorphism according to the change is equally necessary. But, what could make your app famous and gives it the ability to sell? Today, we take a look at the mobile app marketing strategies one needs, to stay on top of their game with Techugo, a top mobile app development company in India.

  1. A Lasting Impression Marks The Return: Always remember, the app should make the users feel special, have something unique to offer to them against your competitors and how simplified your approach is. There are thousands of app, that would probably be providing the same services as yours. It is the experience, that makes the difference. Efficiently marketing the experience can boost the sales of your company, and can lead to sizable downloads of your app.
  1. Ancient Marketing Gambits Aren’t Game Changing Anymore: With the business channels constantly transmogrifying, resorting to old marketing tactics, although not harming the promotion, wouldn’t prove to be of much use to the business. The age is all about ease, simplicity and time-saving. No one has the time to make an effort and search for your brand. It should be readily available to them at their fingertips. Availability on the app store is one way but, the app faces another challenge of competing with other apps. To turn things in your favor, market your apps in places where your target customers frequent the most. Real-time bidding is a low-cost and effective option to reach their desired audiences. Paid ad services too, have an effect as it puts your product/services out in the front line, urging users to download your app, resulting in high installs and popularity of your app.
  1. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Is The Key To Success: The very basic rule for any business is, to know your agenda. You should know the aim of your business and set the goals accordingly. The basic marketing strategy remains more or less the same. The only thing that should be different is, the tactics to deal with those metrics. KPIs tell you the behavior, your app is generating, the organic reach, consumers’ faithfulness, app store ranking and optimization. These little things play a vital role in the progress, and development of the app and should be handled with expertise. A dedicated team of individuals would be great, to begin with, as this is a fairly unexplored ground.
  1. Pay Heed To App Marketing: With over 50% of the world on the internet and 90% of them on mobile phones, not deploying an efficient app marketing strategy and not sanctioning enough funds required to boost the marketing strategy for your app, could pose serious damage to your business. It’s a magical portal, that houses a huge consumer base that could drive your business if carefully handled. Companies have already begun solely focusing on the development of their apps and promoting them to generate better revenues, and achieve better access.
  1. Market Your Uniqueness : There might be a plethora of apps like yours, but the ways in which you differ from the rest is what makes you stand out. It’s the difference that counts and remember, users, rely on experience. If they find the difference worth, you don’t need to worry a thing about your app.
  1. Be Found: To be popular, visibility is the most important aspect one should worry about. Much like the Search Engine Optimization (SEO), in the app world, App Store Optimization (ASO) is the force that turns the table. The keywords that define your app should be relevant and should return your app as result when searched for. It is because of this reason that mobile app development companies have started including ASO as a part of their development process.
  1. Social Media Crossover: It’s a must have for apps to have a connection to social media platforms, viz., Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Quora, Google+, etc. Have your users engaged in different fun activities, be it a game or a quiz. Allow them to post their achievements on their social media pages. There is no bigger marketing strategy than word of mouth. It builds the faith in user for your services and products and thus expands your business revenues.
  1. Numbers Can Be misleading: A successful app marketing campaign doesn’t just account for the number of times your app was downloaded, and the rank which it attained on the app store. An efficient app marketing strategy depends on the customer retention. Irrespective of the fact that your app was downloaded gazillion times, if it’s not able to hold the customers back, something is seriously wrong and needs a fix ASAP. It’s a full circle, and as discussed earlier, it all depends on customer loyalty, even more than the organic customers, one generates. The UI/UX of the app helps in garnering loyal customers. It’s the loyal customers responsible for the ROI and not one time users.
  1. Be The Tortoise & Not The Rabbit: The world of mobile phones is constantly developing. Today’s technology and approach might become useless tomorrow. It is essential to be a chameleon in such an environment. Adopting new technology and susceptible to changes is the path forward. Creating a successful app doesn’t mean everything. It would soon burn out if it’s not evolved. A consumer would flee to other apps that’d provide something different. Always bringing something extraordinary to the platter would step up your game against your competitors.

It is an established fact that, this is the age of mobiles, and an extraordinary way to directly connect to your customers. With the right mix of mobile app development strategies, and constant innovative ideas, with a zeal to serve better, could give your business the required push. It is also a fact that, not all business have a technical side to them, and no matter your prowess at the marketing gimmicks, when it comes to mobile app marketing, the playing field is different. We at Techugo, understand such challenges, and know the shortcomings and repercussions of an under powered marketing strategy. With experience gained over the years, we have some of the most brilliant strategies to market your app. A business is futile if it doesn’t possess the capability to adapt, and we help firms, in adapting to these new trends. We are mobile app development company and we know what it takes for an app to be ace. We meticulously define a blueprint for your business idea, give it a shape, add the required ingredients to realize it and market it and make it successful. We enable technology to surpass your imagination. For more details visit us at : http://www.techugo.com and/or contact us at :


Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo


Google has propelled the most intuitive application, which depends on AI driven and the application is called Google Allo. This works for both iOS and Android stages and is giving a sneak-look into the solid and strong manmade brainpower capacities that Google has worked and come about into Allo. With Allo’s “keen” capacities, Google expects to make it less demanding to react to messages and after some time changes with clients’ own style, Google said in an official web journal.

Savvy Reply

Allo’s AI-controlled elements uses machine figuring out how to propose the ideal reactions to both content and realistic messages, wiping out the writing errand. Allo virtual collaborators “comprehend your reality” in ways that license clients to stand up their questions or give the headings, the way it has been given to an associate. Client will be recommended words and expressions once begin to sort. Likewise, this keen answer highlight will likewise propose reactions for photographs. On the off chance that a client gets a photograph of a child, a shrewd answer proposals would pop out like “charming!”. Google says that the savvy answer will enhance after some time and acclimate to client way of life.

Google Assistant

Google Assistant is the most extraordinary component presented inside this application, which lets the clients to just sort @google to ask the web crawler addresses and secure the assistance straightforwardly in their visits. Google Assistant is much nearer to Facebook’s vision for M, the informal community’s own AI-based associate. This can be taken in numerous things that could have been utilized to get the data identified with flight statuses, interpretations alongside photograph acknowledgment. Case in point: when client transfers the photo of Taj Mahal, Google Assistant would ask the client, whether client needs to take in more about its history. Google has consolidated Allo’s keen content components with its photograph acknowledgment capacities, so the application can likewise recommend reactions to photographs that are being imparted to the clients. Like Snapchat, Allo permits clients to draw on photographs before sending them to companions.

This component ends up being more valuable when utilized one-on-one, since it would help you to get the help identified with your schedule, set updates and get the most recent features. Client can even set cautions, clocks, seek photographs and make calls by means of Google Assistant, with the assistance of an Android gadget.

Step by step instructions to Start With The App

Client can join with their telephone number and after personality confirmation, the application checks the location book to discover people,who are likewise utilizing the application. Another considerable component which Allo lets, is to record a voice message, send a photograph with a doodle (for Android just right now), or offer a guide of current area. The application additionally incorporates various themed sticker packs that can be utilized to liven up the visits.

“Google Allo can help you make arrangements, discover data, and convey what needs be all the more effectively in talk. Furthermore, the more you utilize it, the more it enhances after some time,” Google said.

“If you have an idea for your business, you can reach our group to talk about further your idea to bring into reality. The exchange would help you to pick up a superior knowledge of your application prerequisite.”

You can contact us at: sales@techugo.com

Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo


This blog will address each of your queries about developing mobile apps. Most of the business owners have a misconception that mobile apps are meant for the big brands and not for small business and start-ups, but eventually more and more small and midsize businesses need to follow the mobile trend and understand the effective mobile strategy involves to boost up their business. .

Developing mobile apps for your users can help them be more productive, but before you start building apps, learn about the different kinds.

Mobile apps help you to increase your visibility

As the reports have suggested, an average person spends more than two hours a day on their mobile device. Once you initiate a new start-up, mobile apps help you to reach out to the maximum number of people throughout the world in no time and you remain visible to your consumers 24/7. A mobile app for your business, works as a face. An app contributes greatly to your brand awareness amongst your consumers. The more your customers are involved with your mobile app, the sooner they will be inclined to buy your product and/or service.

Defining the process of mobile application development

There are many hurdles and the procedures involved in the process of Mobile application development along with writing the software for devices such as Smartphone and tablets. App developers create various mobile apps as per the specific features of certain devices’ specific features, for instance iPhone app developers create apps for iPhone and Android app developers create specifically for Android. When developers build an application specifically for a device, it means that the code is specific to that device’s processor. The biggest turn-over of developing mobile apps natively is that the code can never be re-used from one OS to another. The code written for a native app for an Android device cannot be compatible with a Windows Phone.

How to build mobile apps

When you decide to build an app, then various mobile application companies are available in the market , but for your businesses, it often makes more sense to choose the best app developer company. You can opt from either: trust your existing in-house skills, or outsource the project. When you pick your in-house team for the app development, then he/she may have to keep other tasks aside in order to complete the mobile app development project. But when you outsource the project, then you have the access to global talent and would be much more focused on your app development process, which would ultimately result in on-time delivery.

First step to consider before developing mobile apps

Although, mobile app development has its own set of fixed challenges and various relevant points to keep in mind, before planning to develop a mobile app. The first thing to know before building a mobile app is to understand your user’s needs before you start. Before initiating to search for the app developers, know your users need and what purpose your app would serve. This would also include knowing further what your app developers are capable of building. Don’t pick a company just by the cost factor, because choosing a company on the basis of costing is a worthless idea. Once your mobile app is developed, follow all the T&C of app store fully to avoid the chances of your app getting rejected.

Native or Web-based apps

Native mobile app development, involves developing the same app multiple time, so it can run on multiple OSes, since these apps are more beneficial so companies do prefer it more. On the contrary, developing the mobile apps on Web-based platforms such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, is quite economical and less-time consuming, since developers need to build one app to run on various mobile platforms.

Hybrid mobile apps

Hybrid mobile apps are a fusion of Web and native app development. But it faces certain issues, since no mobile browser fully supports HTML5. One way to ensure that applications show optimum performance on a given device is to develop the mobile app on a native platform of the mobile device. Once you understand the key processes and steps in the mobile app development lifecycle, you would be better prepared to develop an app with the function and features you actually need for your business.

“If you have got a concept for your business, you can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.”

You can reach us at: sales@techugo.com

Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo



Have you ever wished to handle your DSLR with a reduced remote, not with the ones, which are now accessible in the tech market and accompany a mind boggling size and usefulness? So innovation has at long last attacked your list of things to get truck, a perfectly outlined small Bluetooth module, pressed with elements: Fully control the DSLRs settings. This item can transform your Smartphone into a full remote for your DSLR camera. There is something extraordinary about this remote; it is the minor size of the gadget, which makes you overlook on occasion, whether the tech piece is there or not. Unleashed is the name of the item and it is so little you can abandon it associated at all times, and it won’t assume control over the hot shoe, so you can utilize outside or popup streak, LED boards or shotgun mics. It turns into a piece of your camera’s outline and won’t impede taking photographs and recordings.

On being associated the application will give you full control over your camera. The application is intended for Android and iOS stages, which helps you changing the settings for the ISO, screen speed, gap, mode, streak, white equalization and more with a straightforward snap. Client can likewise control video, or assume control over different cameras in the meantime. It doesn’t make a difference, whether you’re behind or before the camera, right alongside it or further away, the whole usefulness of camera would be performed without touching the camera. On the off chance that you think you require proficient preparing to comprehends it’s usefulness, then for your data the entire framework is extremely straightforward, it doesn’t should be charged, and consequently reconnects to your Smartphone by means of Bluetooth Low Energy so you don’t have to reconfigure your wifi settings every time you shoot remotely.

When you tap the photo, Unleashed sends a thumbnail to the associated Smartphone for a snappy survey and checking introduction, you can alter the settings right from your Smartphone to understand that shot you needed. Unleashed helps you not to miss a solitary minute, when you are working with more than one camera, with the application you can control up to six cameras without a moment’s delay. Begin recording in the meantime, trigger all cameras at the right minute, or synchronize settings in advance. A tremendous rundown of Nikon and Canon cameras bolster Unleashed, yet the modules contrast starting with one then onto the next and there are various variants for various sorts of cameras.

So whether you are an enthusiastic picture taker or an expert, Unleashed would bail you to draw out your shrouded ability out with no additional endeavors.

You can reach our group to talk about further your idea to bring into reality. The dialog would help you to pick up a superior knowledge of your application necessity.

You can contact us at: sales@techugo.com

Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo



Apple has dependably made the history however the dispatch of iPhone 7 has turned the diversion to another course, and as depicted by Apple these two new handsets are the “most developed iPhones ever” that are “pressed with one of a kind advancements.” After months of bits of gossip, the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus propelled at the Apple’s dispatch occasion in San Francisco. The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus both have critical camera upgrades, another shiny dark shading, better battery life, speedier processors, and enhanced water resistance actualized through a flush home catch and no earphone jack. How about we bring look with a brief portrayal of the considerable number of components in iPhone7 …

1. No Headphone Jack: Of course the earphone jack is lost in the iPhone 7, rather than earphone jack, you can utilize connector and EarPods, which are sent alongside the handsets. The pair of wired earphones can be connected to the charging port on the base of the gadget, and in addition a connector for the general population who need to cling to their old earphone

2.AirPods: Another remote arrangement of earphones called “AirPods,” additionally dispatched by Apple, which has five hours of battery life and are sold with a case that offers charging on the go, for an aggregate of 24 hours of battery. AirPods capacities with Siri and the capacity to naturally recognize when fit in the ears. Starting now, there accessibility is booked in late October for $159. These can interface with both the iPhone 7 and Apple Watch 2 with only a tap, as indicated by Apple.

3.Capacity: The capacity issue has at last been determined by Apple , both the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus are accessible with higher stockpiling limits, at 32GB, 128GB, and 256GB. The base model accompanies 32GB for $649. The following most elevated stockpiling is a 128GB, for $749, while the biggest is an unquestionable requirement purchase with 256GB for $849. For the iPhone 7 Plus, the 32GB model expenses $769, while the 128GB model expenses $869. The biggest iPhone 7 Plus, with 256GB of capacity, will cost $969.

4.Double Lens Camera: The iPhone is significantly famous for different determinations however a standout amongst the most noticeable components is the best picture catching taking awesome photographs. The iPhone 7 Plus components both have faultless camera enhancements that would bring about crisper, brighter, more nitty gritty pictures. These handsets convey the elements like a 12-megapixel camera with optical picture adjustment, another Apple-composed picture signal processor, a 6-component focal point, a bigger f/1.8 gap, and wide shading catch for more dynamic, consistent with life hues and the iPhone 7 Plus has an extra element which incorporates a double camera framework with a wide-edge focal point and a zooming focal point, empowering 2x optical zoom and a DSLR-like picture shots.

The best of all the camera elements is the enhanced adaptation of front-confronting camera, highlighting a 7-megapixel sensor with wide shading catch, propelled pixel innovation, and auto picture adjustment for selfies that look better than anyone might have expected. Another four-LED True Tone streak with 50 percent more splendor comes pressed with these handsets.

5.A New Home Button: Apple has updated the Home catch on the iPhone 7 to make the gadget water safe. The “Home catch” is intended to be strong and responsive, and work couple with Apple’s Taptic Engine to give “more exact and adjustable material criticism”. Despite the fact that the catch doesn’t “click” similarly as it did on the old handset, yet it gives moment input when you touch it.

6.Retina HD Display: The Retina HD presentation is a gift for sure, with components like a wide shading range for better shading immersion and “silver screen standard” hues.

7.A10: Apple is well known for redesigning its processor, this A10 Fusion chip is said to be 40 percent quicker than a year ago’s processor, with 50 percent more design execution. Both telephones additionally got a battery update, for example iPhone 7 can remain for two hours of more battery life than the iPhone 6s, and the iPhone 7 Plus has an additional hour of battery life contrasted with the iPhone 6s Plus.

8.IP67 Water and Dust Resistance: The one all the more fascinating element is IP67 water and clean resistance, which lets the iPhone 7 is tidy tight and can stay safe, if submerged up to 1 meter profound for 30 minutes.

9.No More Antenna Lines: One perceptible configuration change is that Apple has expelled the plastic radio wire lines from the back of the gadget.

10.Shading: The assemblages of the telephones are produced using aluminum are accessible in Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, Black, and Jet Black hues. Dark is another darker matte shading that replaces Space Gray, while Jet Black is a shiny new polished completion.

Without a doubt stuffed with all the specified components the new iPhones are shockingly new and worth to purchase.

“You can reach our group to talk about further your idea to bring into reality. The talk would help you to pick up a superior knowledge of your application necessity.”

You can contact us at: sales@techugo.com

Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo



Smart phones and tablets are ruling the world, and with more and more people getting access to Internet while on the go, you cannot escape this insurgency.

This is ‘the’ moment in time for mobile app developers, thanks to the increased adaptability of mobile phones and the subsequent increase in the demand for mobile application development. Having a mobile app is no longer an extravagance companies indulge in. It has become the basic necessity by which you retain your present customers. This is because we are living at the climax of a technological revolution; the impact of which is felt in every nuance of life, changing the lifestyle of people in its entirety.

Now, if you are planning to create mobile apps, be prepared. Developing a successful mobile application comes with its fair share of challenges–many of which differ from traditional development. Before you start your project, you must understand these challenges exist, and figure out how you will address each one. If you are currently standing at the threshold, wondering whether to outsource your app, these challenges in the form of tips, would certainly help you.

1st Challenge

Choosing the right app

This is the very first step to boost your business. The first challenge in building a mobile app is to understand your user’s needs before you start.

Before initiating to search for the app developers, ask a question first to yourself: Why do your users need this app? What problem will it solve?

 2nd Challenge

Finding the right skills

The next big challenge, How would you build this app? You have two choices: Bring in new skills, or outsource the project. There is so much talent to tap and you can visit media platforms like Linked In, Facebook and even listing websites like Clutch, Extract and GoodFirms to discuss work with skilled talents. You no longer have to depend on your internal employees to develop an app for you because when you outsource, you have access to global talent. On the contrary, when you depend on an internal employee for the app development, then he/she may have to keep other tasks aside in order to complete the mobile app development project. But an offshore team would be focused on just this one task, so they can give full focus and deliver the work on time. Another advantage with the offshore team is that they can work around your schedule and come for online meetings and conferences because they may not be tied down with other commitments. That way, you no longer have to worry about the limited resources in your company in terms of workforce.

 3rd Challenge

Finding a reliable partner

Getting a mobile app development company onboard, can bring more troubles, if you fail to choose the right company for your app development process. Mobile app development company has to work with you as a partner, not as an outsource company only. Get the more details about the company from various sources and then pick the company, don’t get swayed away by the cost factor, because choosing a company on the basis of costing is a futile idea. Look for someone who has developed similar apps before and has a proven track record, communicates effectively and is well versed with the app store submission rules.

4th Challenge

Risk Management

There are a few risks, you need to deal with while getting your app done. Some of the most common risks are government regulations, competition from rivals, market volatility, economical and financial downturns. You can forget about most of these risks when you outsource your requirement, apart from maintaining industry standards and compiling to data security and privacy rules while handling them.

5th Challenge

Making a pace with platform design guidelines

When you decide to build native apps, you need to understand that you’re building for a platform that you do not control. For instance, every time Apple or Google updates their operating systems, you must update your app to fit their new requirements.

 6th Challenge

Security of apps data

In a recent survey conducted with top notch IT companies, their managers revealed shocking details, which state: the security of mobile applications was being put at risk due to the pressure on IT to release applications quickly.

One of the most important issues businesses must consider when deploying mobile apps is on-device security. In order to protect company data when it’s outside the office, businesses must introduce mobile policies that contend with their employees’ file sync-and-share habits. If your app contains any sensitive information, an organization needs to make security the top priority because hackers are always looking for a way to get in, and it shouldn’t be made easy for them.

 7th Challenge

App stores’ approval

A higher number of chances are there, that your app might get rejected for the first. Here your app developers’ proficient knowledge of app submission rules would be proven worthy. So make sure your app is sifted thoroughly the T&C of app store beforehand only.

So once you decide to develop an app, your focus should be more on ‘what not to do’ than on ‘what to do’. Undoubtedly, there are several challenges faced by developers every time they start working on a new mobile app, but something which remains more vital is to be aware of these challenges and address them in the right way, which would result in a most productive and worthy app for your business.

If you need to offshore your mobile app development project, we have all the talent and technology you require. You can get in touch with our team to discuss further your concept to bring into reality. The discussion would help you to gain a better insight of your app requirement.

You can reach us at:


Skype: aks141

Skype: ankit.techugo


When we visit a foreign land, the first thing which troubles our brain, is the local language of that country, if we are not fluent with it, it might lead to some disastrous experience of our trip. No doubt the Google Translate is a pretty handy tool for this problem but at times the translation might not necessarily be what we’re trying to convey, which is why Google needs our help in fine tuning the process. This has led to the launch of an app called Crowdsource. This is a remarkable Google application, which has been introduced on Google Play- Crowdsource, it’s a unique application of its kind, and it asks the users to translate and transcript images or text.

As Google has confirmed, this is a pilot project. Once the app is started first time, user is asked for the language he/she is fluent in; ultimately it will lead to the more options within the various categories. Once complete, user is given with 5 different sections that allow them to translate or transcribe their desired content.  Beyond that, it features large buttons that let the user to choose from a selection of micro-tasks like image transcription, handwriting recognition, translation and translation validation, as well as map translation validation.

Millions of people rely on Google’s services daily, whether that’s Google Maps, Google Translate, or even just Google Search. Now the company is asking for users help to further improve those services, just a few seconds at a time. Users can do this by helping out with image transcription, handwriting recognition, translation, translation validation, and maps translation validation. Users who are fluent in multiple languages can help out with the translation aspect, but if the user is unable to, they can still help out with image transcription and handwriting recognition. Image transcription takes blurry images of signs (usually street signs), and asks to type out what they think it says.

Very interestingly, Google Opinion Rewards application that gives users free Play Store credit for just filling out a few questions, this application does not offer no such reward. Google, however, suggests that users contribute to Crowdsource because by doing so they’ll know that they’ve “made the internet a better place for their community. Although, Google offers some perks. The Crowdsource app tallies the points and shows them next to a trophy image. Going beyond a feel-good gesture, though Google Maps’ Local Guides program gives people a terabyte of free Google Drive online storage, though only if they reach advanced levels of participation

It can be downloaded via the Google Play Store, right now, the app is only available for Android and it does not appear that there are plans for an iOS version yet.

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